Friday, January 23, 2009


The first tracks by THEOLOGIAN for the forthcoming split release with APHELION are taking shape.
Chris from APHELION told me today that he also has material in the works. I'm actually pretty excited about this.
The title will be I SAT BEAUTY DOWN IN MY LAP, AND I FOUND HER GALLING, which is adapted from a passage from Rimbaud's A SEASON IN HELL. I found this fitting, since I have been experiencing my very own season in hell of late.
Each project will contribute four tracks, with a ninth piece driving the point home by way of an extended collaboration track bearing the album's name.
I've been working on the layout, and wanted to share a preview:

It seems that MALIGNANT RECORDS will in fact be releasing CHARTING THE SCHISM, the debut 5 track ep from THEOLOGIAN, but no release date has been set. At the moment there are other priorities, and we're making a big push to prepare NTT's THE GOSPELS OF THE GASH double cd, and the accompanying boxed edition and assorted items to be contained therein, to have it out in time for the first live appearance of THEOLOGIAN at DIGITAL FERRET in Philadelphia on February 27.

I will make a short run of limited THEOLOGIAN cdrs specifically for sale at this show, entitled PERSONA/INJURY.

This will consist of two very minimal tracks, espousing abysmal misery.

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