Tuesday, March 2, 2010


“Pain or suffering of any kind, if long continued, causes depression and lessens the power of action, yet it is well adapted to make a creature guard itself against any great or sudden evil.”
- Charles Darwin

I'd wanted to post this update on the first of the month, but as i settle into my new work schedule and try to maintain a functional level of energy, certain things have been falling by the wayside and i'm struggling to get back on track with the activities that give me fulfillment. i'm well aware that i've fallen short of this goal, and the fact that numerous orders are still waiting to be shipped stands as proof of this. but, i continue to press onward and i'm going to do what i can.
tomorrow or thursday, i will be going to pick up the new WILT shirts from the printers, and will be assembling the cassette layouts and dubbing copies this week as well. several more orders will be going out in the next few days.

here are some items of particular interest...


Work has resumed on the first four tracks by SUFFERING BODIES, the collaborative project featuring Kristoffer Oustad (V:28/PLAGUE MACHINERY/KRISTOFFER NYSTRÖMS ORKESTER), Francesco Gemelli (EIDVLON), and myself.
SUFFERING BODIES combines elements of thunderous martial industrial and heavy ambient drone with black metal-inspired sensibilities. no release date is in sight, but i'm hoping that it will be released by a particularly awesome label. i'm in discussions with a very talented artist for the visual elements.
more on this to come.
speaking of which...


I am extremely pleased to announce that the first official full-length cd release from THEOLOGIAN is forthcoming on the absolutely fucking amazing label CRUCIAL BLAST.
THE FURTHER I GET FROM YOUR STAR, THE LESS LIGHT I FEEL ON MY FACE is set for an august 2010 release, coinciding with the thirteenth birthday of ANNIHILVS.
in addition to the physical compact disc, this album will be available as a digital download. a special edition will be produced as well.

as an added bonus, CRUCIAL BLAST will also release THEOLOGIAN's debut ep, CHARTING THE SCHISM, in digital download format.

an edit of the first track, IN TIMES OF NEED, WE ALL GO AGAINST OUR NATURES is on the THEOLOGIAN myspace profile. (www.myspace.com/gashtheologian)


To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the label, CRUCIAL BLAST has produced a monolithic compilation which is available solely as a free digital download.

this is all very exciting news, as i am a huge fan of this label and feel extremely honoured to be included among such an incredible roster of artists.

more information about the comp and a download link are below:


After ten years of exploring the outer fringes of extreme underground music, CRUCIAL BLAST has amassed a considerable catalog of titles from such renowned artists as GENGHIS TRON, WEEDEATER, SKULLFLOWER, GNAW THEIR TONGUES, TOTIMOSHI, MONARCH!, SCOTT HULL, SUBARACHNOID SPACE, NADJA, BEHOLD...THE ARCTOPUS, and more, spanning the realms of avant-grind, black industrial, sludgecore, extreme doom, brutal prog, and heavy psych. In commemoration of the label's ten year existence marked by the arrival of 2010, we have assembled a massive digital compilation that features over fifty tracks from our catalog of artists and releases, as well as unreleased tracks from some of our upcoming 2010 releases and exclusive material from black metal/industrial terrorizers NEKRASOV, cavernous black orchestral drone demons ROBE, the dystopian industrial deathdub of LYCANTHROPIC WARHEAD, and a blistering assault of blackened synth dread from THEOLOGIAN.

You can download the BLASTWAVE X compilation at the following link:


01. GNAW THEIR TONGUES Sawn Asunder and Left for the Beasts from the An Epiphanic Vomiting Of Blood CD/CS/DIGITAL
02. FISTULA The Basilisk from the Burmese/Fistula split CD
03. BLACK ELK She Pulled Machete from the Always A Six, Never A Nine CD/DIGITAL
04. SKULLFLOWER Black Rabbit from the IIIrd Gatekeeper CD/DIGITAL
05. UNHOLY GRAVE After The Bloodbath from the Not Without A Fight 2xCD compilation
06. YEAR OF NO LIGHT Par Économie Pendant La Crise On from the Nord CD/DIGITAL
07. MARAX Returning To Rust from the Veil Of The Black Sanguinarian CDR/DIGITAL
08. JUMBOS KILLCRANE Locust Blanket from the The Slow Decay CD/DIGITAL
09. THE GOSLINGS Statuette from the Spaceheater/Perfect Interior CD/DIGITAL
10. EARWIGS Megatron Locust Invasion from the Dataclast/Earwigs split CD
11. GEISHA A Wilderness, Except by Sight from the Die Verbrechen Der Liebe CD
12. SOUVENIRS YOUNG AMERICA Invocation in the Caldera from the An Ocean Without Water CD/LP/DIGITAL
13. KORPERSCHWACHE Red Wind from the Broken Blades Of Steel Scattered Across The Narrow Way CDR/DIGITAL
14. BURMESE Spill My Fuck from the Burmese/Fistula split CD
15. SAMUS Who's Pumping Estrada from the Desengano CD/DIGITAL
16. SKULLFLOWER Void of Roses from the Tribulation CD/DIGITAL
17. GENGHIS TRON Arms from the Cloak Of Love CD/DIGITAL
18. BLACK ROLLER CROP ROTATION Prayers from the Rotten Soil from the Prayers from the Rotten Soil CDR/DIGITAL
19. ACROSS TUNDRAS Cosmic Retribution from the Dark Songs Of The Prairie CD/DIGITAL
20. WETHER Cloven Hoofed Priest from the Uncertain Ritual CDR/DIGITAL
21. MICROWAVES Codex Vortex from the Contagion Heuristic CD/DIGITAL
22. HAISHA Loser from the Haisha/Mizuko split CD
23. NADJA Affective Fields from the Desire In Uneasiness CD/DIGITAL
24. TOTIMOSHI Cellophane from the Mysterioso CD/DIGITAL
25. THE HUMAN QUENA ORCHESTRA Denial (part I) from the Politics Of The Irredeemable CD/DIGITAL
26. SUBARACHNOID SPACE Lilith from the Eight Bells CD/DIGITAL
27. NOISM Yesism from the +/- CD/DIGITAL
28. SORC'HENN Leka met elden from the Faro: Death Of The Island Sheeps CDR/DIGITAL
29. SOIHADTOSHOOTHIM Chausson Chansson from the Alpha Males & Popular Girls CD/DIGITAL
30. GREY DATURAS My Sciatica from the Dead In The Woods CD/DIGITAL
31. THE MASS This Is Your Final Dream from Perfect Picture Of Wisdom And Boldness CD
32. UNEARTHLY TRANCE Scarlet from the Record Of Shadows Infinite compilation CD
33. SUZUKITON Rogue Mechanica from the Service Repair Handbook CD/DIGITAL
34. AUN Consumed By Flies from the Multigone CDR/DIGITAL
35. SKULLFLOWER Annihilating Angel from the Orange Canyon Mind CD/DIGITAL
36. GEISHA Bondage Death from the Monde Del'Orrore CD/DIGITAL
37. NEKRASOV Disillusion from the upcoming album IV CD/DIGITAL
38. JUMBOS KILLCRANE Gasmouth from the Carnivale De Carne CD
39. LUASA RAELON Gravitational Pull from the Into The Void CDR/DIGITAL
40. HEDORAH Hyperbolean from the Collected CDR/DIGITAL
41. THEOLOGIAN II (unreleased - from the Charting The Schism EP)
42. BACTERIA CULT Mastication from the Soulless Solace CDR/DIGITAL
43. ALL IS SUFFERING Mauthausen from the The Past: Vindictive Sadisms Of Petty Bureaucrats CD (out of print)
44. WEEDEATER Potbelly from the Sixteen Tons CD
45. DATACLAST Pull of the Culture from the Dataclast/Earwigs split CD
46. ENCOMIAST Pumpkin from the Bathed In Sunlight CDR/DIGITAL
47. MIZUKO Razing The Sky from the Haisha/Mizuko split CD
48. WHOURKR Slaagt from the Concrete CD/DIGITAL
49. WILDILDLIFE Things Will Grow from the Six CD/DIGITAL
50. THE MASS Trapped Under a Ice from the City Of Dis CD
51. YES, COLLAPSE Untitled from the Final Diagnosis CDR/DIGITAL
52. ROBE. Vacant (previously unreleased exclusive track)
53. GNAW THEIR TONGUES My Orifices Await Ravaging from the Dread Magnificence Of Perversity CD/CS/DIGITAL
54. LYCANTHROPIC WARHEAD Vexator (unreleased)


That's all for the moment, thanks for looking and listening.

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