Saturday, May 29, 2010

Katrina gold Heart

Katrina gold Heart

Katrina Kaif, not only has a beautiful face but also a beautiful heart. Her beauty is not just skin deep. She proved this by showing her kind gesture on the sets of Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani.
The pretty Bollywood princess gave Rs. 5 lakh to the unit members on the last day of shooting of Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani. That was her way of thanking the workers for the effort they put in to making the film.
Says Katrina, “Rajkumar Santoshi is a tough taskmaster and it wasn’t rare for shooting to extend beyond 14-15 hours a day. When we actors used to get tired, you can imagine how tiresome it must’ve been for the workers, who do physical labour. I was just acknowledging their hard work.”
Well, if any other actor would’ve done this, she would, in all probability, ensure that it was covered by the media so that her action got noticed. But our Kats is unique and special in everyway.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010



I know it's been an absurdly long time since my last update, and while at various points i have thought i had enough positive news to share, i have also felt crippled by my inability to satisfy some very basic criteria before posting again.
i can't stress enough how much the patience and support has meant to me as i work toward making things happen here. that so many people understand the creative process and how difficult it can be means a lot. at the same time, i am constantly weighted down by guilt around the fact that i let so many orders go unfulfilled while i go through my daily life, so don't think that it's a matter of not giving a shit.

it's taken me much longer than anticipated to get the dedicated merch room set up, but as of today it is now completely ready. in addition to certain personal issues, i was delayed in large part due to the fact that in the time since my last update, the hardwood floors in my house were being refinished and the fact that i've had a painter working in my home for the last several weeks. he prefers to work alone, so he's been in my house now for close to a month. due to these two factors i couldn't get to certain areas of the house, or function normally during this time. the work is now moving to other areas of the house and i'm getting back into action.

on a more positive note, my job — while still barely tolerable — is about to become a permanent position in the near future. i've been told it will happen by the end of may, but that's looking like a somewhat liberal estimate. the permanence will lead to increased financial stability and i can work overtime shifts in order to finance not just my personal life, but new releases as well.

lest you think that nothing is going on, i do want to let you all know that there has been considerable progress during this period of silence, so you haven't just been waiting on nothing.


I had announced previously that these were going to start shipping, and while a couple of them did indeed go out, i admit to having let shipping fall aside during the above-mentioned period, but i spent part of today packing orders and will get back to it after i post this update. several orders will go out tomorrow, WITHOUT FAIL. i am probably going to mark this release as officially sold out by the end of the night.

As far as i'm concerned, these tracks are now all completed and i'm just waiting on a final green light from Steve that he agrees with me, before i deem the release ready to be assembled. congratulations are in order for Steve, whose wife Lauren recently gave birth to a beautiful little girl, Tess. i have posted one of our tracks to the THEOLOGIAN myspace ( as a preview. there are also two in-progress tracks from the forthcoming THEOLOGIAN full length on CRUCIAL BLAST up there.

love is nothing. WITHOUT ME CDR-PREORDER
There are now a total of 8 tracks in various stages of completion, though we're going to take our time with this stuff in order to make it as high quality as possible. i've posted two in-progress tracks on the love is nothing. myspace for preview (
also of note is that i have confirmed input from previous contributor Mike Hill of the amazing TOMBS (, as well as John Lamacchia of SPYLACOPA and CANDIRIA ( each will contribute guitars to at least one, if not a couple of tracks.

Two tracks have been completed for this release, with a total of 22 minutes' worth of material ready. i'd like to do one more, but have been delayed while Fade from INSWARM was on tour with JARBOE in europe, and then stuck in switzerland for several weeks due to the icelandic volcano. i'm just waiting on a little more source material before wrapping this one up.

i am going to do what i can to get everything above produced and shipped by the middle of june at the very latest.

here is a list of other forthcoming releases, currently in-production:

Tshirt featuring the BLACK SUN logo printed in black ink on black shirts. Includes a 60 minute cassette featuring four remixes of the track CODE BLACK by BLACK SUN. One by THEOLOGIAN, two by INSWARM and one by REQUIEM. Audio is complete, shirt is pending.

THEOLOGIAN+STROM.EC. HUBRIZINE-PREORDER PACKAGE hoodie, includes 60 minute cassette. Tracks range from guitar-ambience to heavy electronics. One track is currently completed, two more are in-progress.

FOUR PI MOVEMENT is the improvised noise/modular synth side project of PROMETHEUS BURNING. Tshirt comes with 60 minute cassette featuring exclusive new FOUR PI tracks and collaborative material with THEOLOGIAN. Original material is completed, i haven't gotten started on my end of the collaborations yet.

The first official full length album by THEOLOGIAN will be released in both physical and digital formats by CRUCIAL BLAST. THEOLOGIAN has been described by the label as "blackened synth dread."
All six tracks (totalling roughly one hour of music) are currently in various stages of completion.

so, as you can see, i'm not just sitting around rolling my naked body in your money. things are happening, but as always i find it somewhat challenging to handle every aspect of my life simultaneously. i need some help, to be honest. if anyone within a reasonable distance of me has an interest in contributing to the cause by helping to pack orders once or twice a week, feel free to let me know.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


You know you are addicted to the internet and your computer when,

You are ready to sacrifice 3days of food for an hour of using the internet.

Your fingers involuntarily dial the number of your ISP, just a second after the rear computer in the network icon of your computer has stopped blinking.

You open the lid of your laptop instantaneously after opening your eyelids after a sleep.

You update your status on facebook even if your ass itches, as if facebook would send a guy home to scratch your ass.

You jump up and down, hands raised in air, cheering Go! Go!, just by refreshing the scores on cricinfo, as opposed to watching it on television.

You use smileys in real life, and write :) or a :P for a silly thing you have written, or dangle your tongue out and wriggle it after having said something stupid, and your tongue showing that you are silly :P

You refresh your mailbox a zillion times in 5minutes, hoping a new refresh would generate a mail to read and reply to.

You are extremely delighted when your mailbox shows Inbox(1), even if it is just a new advertising mail.

You have half an hour exam left for your exam and consider  tweeting it more important than preparing for the exam.

You frantically search for a long lost friend on orkut/facebook, find him, add him and later forget that he was even born , leave alone speaking to him.

You take photographs of yourself and your friends, with the sole motive of increasing the count of your online album, and waiting for people to comment on them after uploading.

Your fingers involuntarily creep to Ctrl-T and type when you are asked a doubt by your friend.

You suddenly wakeup in the middle of the night and check if anyone's online, to chat.

You look at the bottom-right of your computer screen , when you want to know the time.

You feel internet is a resource that shouldn't be wasted and download anything under the sun.

You have stopped buying music cds and download torrents for your music.

Your download status has reached 98% and you keep staring at it, and cheer it from the heart to make it 100% soon.

You feel signing off from Gtalk or yahoo is a deadly, unforgivable sin and stay connected 24*7.

You tell the newspaper boy to no more deliver newspaper at your home, and you logon to e-papers to read news.

You have already read a thousand lists like these before this and  feel all these are not applicable to you and brush them aside.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What If?

What if it didn't rain when Benjamin Franklin was flying his kite? We would have been deprived of electricity today.

What if Graham Bell was too lazy to work on his invention? All the night talkers and phone addicts would have strained and written letters on paper long enough to wrap the entire earth, for their loved ones.

What if Ray Tomilnson hadn't created the email? India Post wouldn't have had to scare away flies in their haunted offices, deprived of letters to deliver.

What if Amazon wasn't ever created, or adobe didn't ever create the pdf? We would have been smelling and opening rotten pages that turned yellow with age , and your grandpa would be reading you out stories from his grandpa's books, and you yawning wide enough to let in a thousand flies flutter in.

What if the W'right' brothers were always wrong? We would have still been  using oars, and would have developed fully grown 12-inch biceps from propelling the oar  in ships all way from India to America.

What if the refrigerator wasn't ever created? All the bellies grown from guzzling down chilled beers by the liter would have been absent and we have been a thinner, leaner planet.

What if the early man who struck fire first wasn't smart enough to strike stones to light fire? We would have had lesser people suffering from lung cancers, sans the smoking. Smoke doesn't come without fire.

What if Bill Gates didn't drop out of college or Mr. Babbage's father  didn't spare him a room to develop his computer? We would have still been punching cards or we would been a less greener planet with all the trees feeding our paper.

What if Steve Jobs wasn't fired by his employer? We wouldn't have had the blissful wonder called the iPod and we would still have carried bulky tape-players on our shoulders whenever we went out, and cassette making companies would still be raking in millions.

What if  the 'Spectrum' guys didn't get the idea of making an 'All In One' for examinations, that make graduates when passed? We would have better products called engineers coming out from college and a minds bright enough to light a 100 worlds.

What if the 70mm movie projector wasn't invented? We would still be running behind a touring van that shows movies on a white piece of cloth,swaying to the winds and people gaping in wonder, at their heroes as the film moves.

What if Adam was dumb, and didn't know what to do when beautiful Eve was next to him? We wouldn't have ever been born !!!!!  ;)

And the list goes on. . .

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I always wonder why we, the world around us keeps changing every now and then. Aren't people happy and satisfied with the things around them at any given point of time, that keeps them craving for more and paining themselves to get something that would apparently make their lives easier. Before the ipods came, weren't people happy with the music playing devices they had? Didn't they shake their heads in amusement listening to the songs on their cassette players then? Now that a thing called iPod has come, everyone craves to have one, and deems not possessing one to be a shame or as if a limb hasn't grown on them if they don't own one. Weren't people happy loving their opposite sexes and straight orientations that they even want to love their same sexes now?!.Gay and lesbian marriages, are they really needed to be in vogue and hyped about as if it were a birth right?This is a generic example of how we look for change in our daily lives.
Now, we have a typical flowchart in the life of people born in the late 80's to early 90's.

Playschool->Primary School->Secondary School, with "IIT" orientation, right from class 6 ->Plus Two with rigorous ass paining IIT coaching->Engineering from IIT or any other college->Another exam CAT takes over now->Successful ones make it to MBA->Not successful ones move to IT companies.

This has become a generic life cycle for three quarters of a people now.All the minds are seemingly tuned to a single frequency, or a signal more or less in the same range.And and...this signal cannot be relied for a longer time. A newer, better sounding stronger stronger will surely come some day, and the present signals are all wiped off, and the circle continues.One overly hyped thing seeps into the minds of all the people at the same time and this leaves them disturbed if that is not achieved.This leaves a vicious spiral behind, called a spiral rather than a circle as it is illusionary, without a definitive end as to where the path could lead to.


An ode to all the days that passed by, making way for newer, greener ones to come..but, the fun will always be missing.How much we wish these days never get over.!