Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I always wonder why we, the world around us keeps changing every now and then. Aren't people happy and satisfied with the things around them at any given point of time, that keeps them craving for more and paining themselves to get something that would apparently make their lives easier. Before the ipods came, weren't people happy with the music playing devices they had? Didn't they shake their heads in amusement listening to the songs on their cassette players then? Now that a thing called iPod has come, everyone craves to have one, and deems not possessing one to be a shame or as if a limb hasn't grown on them if they don't own one. Weren't people happy loving their opposite sexes and straight orientations that they even want to love their same sexes now?!.Gay and lesbian marriages, are they really needed to be in vogue and hyped about as if it were a birth right?This is a generic example of how we look for change in our daily lives.
Now, we have a typical flowchart in the life of people born in the late 80's to early 90's.

Playschool->Primary School->Secondary School, with "IIT" orientation, right from class 6 ->Plus Two with rigorous ass paining IIT coaching->Engineering from IIT or any other college->Another exam CAT takes over now->Successful ones make it to MBA->Not successful ones move to IT companies.

This has become a generic life cycle for three quarters of a people now.All the minds are seemingly tuned to a single frequency, or a signal more or less in the same range.And and...this signal cannot be relied for a longer time. A newer, better sounding stronger stronger will surely come some day, and the present signals are all wiped off, and the circle continues.One overly hyped thing seeps into the minds of all the people at the same time and this leaves them disturbed if that is not achieved.This leaves a vicious spiral behind, called a spiral rather than a circle as it is illusionary, without a definitive end as to where the path could lead to.

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