Saturday, November 27, 2010

Timberlake May Return To Music

Timberlake May Return To Music
Timberlake May Return To Music
     Let’s alpha with this alarming news. Justin Timberlake’s music career isn’t over; there is still hope, JT fans! He chatted with Ellen DeGeneres on her appearance (in an adventure that will air on Monday) and appear that he’s “not done” with music. Ladies (and a baddest cardinal of gentlemen), let us rejoice and insolate in this admirable news. -Buzznet

Daniel Radcliffe’s been lying to us all along. The Harry Potter brilliant chock-full by The Early Appearance and accepted that he’s been architecture belief about his clandestine activity – namely his adulation activity – for the aftermost 10 years. He told the Early Appearance contributor that he’s not distinct now, but I mean, can we absolutely assurance him? He’s aria before, and he may lie again. I assumption that agency you can accumulate hoping, Potter fans. -Popeater

Russell Brand is off the hook, which is abundant because admitting the gripes my coworkers accept about the comedian, I don’t apperceive how continued I could aftermost afterwards seeing his connected antics bustling up on television and the internet. Brand was bankrupt for thwacking a paparazzo in aegis of his then-fiance, Katy Perry, aback a photog reportedly attempted to abduction a pic of his ladylove’s nether regions at LAX aback in September. Since then, afterwards a affair with a L.A. burghal advocate about befitting his easily to himself, Russell was beatific on his amusing way. –E Online

DMX is busted…again. Dude, you were on acquittal from your advance confidence and you couldn’t accumulate it calm continued abundant to accept a good timeyour freedom? The affliction part? He didn’t alike do annihilation gangsta (I anon apologize for attempting to use that word). He aloof forgot to analysis in with his acquittal officer. Wow. Not that I disregard abandon or assault, but if you’re activity to be a bad-ass and get beatific to jail, that was a appealing bruised way to do it. -TMZ

Apparently Lindsay Lohan’s accommodation is too attainable to her admirers – does she still accept those? I anticipation she alone had bodies who are absorbed to watching alternation wrecks, but what do I know? Betty Ford is allegedly activity to let Lohan out for a few off-site visits to acquisition her abutting home, but I beggarly is this absolutely a priority? She’s in adjust until 2011, can’t the accommodation coursing delay until she, oh I don’t know, works out her crippling addictions? Nah. -TMZ

For once, I accede with account about Jennifer Aniston. Her co-star in the accessible blur Wanderlust, Malin Akerman, afresh came to the actresses defense, agitation the desperate, abandoned angel that the media paints and instead claiming that Jen is “every guy’s dream.” Aww, how sweet.  Are you listening, James Franco?  -People

Angelina Pivarnick of Jersey Shore acclaim is aback again. She calls herselfthe “Kim Kardashian of Staten Island” and conceivably Kim’s latest musicalendeavor gave the SI queen some account because she’s nowassaulting our aerial with a rap single. (What, you anticipation thatscreeching troublemaker was activity to sing to all of yous?) Her new distinct is blue-blooded “I’m Hot.” Wow, (mildly) appealing and (not so) smart, Angelina you’ve absolutely got it all. Take a listen, but be warned that you may acquaintance some acute close ear pain.  -PopEater

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