Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Holidays, the news of which make us jump in excitement . The kid in us springs up from nowhere and excites us about the next holiday that's coming up.A holiday from college would mean a movie, hanging out with buddies, whiling away time, and what not. Anything unproductive is truly valuable for us, right? ;).Though tideously cruel and gruelsome,assignments and exams have always put us through a lot of crazy experiences. Drooping(word courtesy, ahem ;) ) over the book, the words seem to sprialling in, hypnotising our mind, dragging us into slumber.Never have we felt more sleepy in our lives than on exam days. No-lab days would mostly convert into bunks, dumma in our lingo.The jitters that we've had on our bunks during the first few days in college,have allayed our fears over the days, and we now casually walk out of our homes under the noses of our unsuspecting moms and dads, and we bunk college. Non-exsiting library fee , exam fee, 'college development fund', application fees come to our rescue to fuel the fun that we plan up on our bunk. There is just a need for a small reason to skip college. A friend's birthday, a friend's-brother's-friend's birthday, non-existing stomach and headaches, so-called combined study excuses...can be anything.For the ever-fearing people, bunking college is great deal in itself. Eyes roll all around the place they are, looking for any spies that their people from home might have possibly planted . Constant jeering by co-bunkers builds up courage over the days, and as the bunk count increases, the entire city feels like home, and no more fears crop up.  We feel a sense of accomplishment, elated when the day gets over, we walk back home as if we were really tired of studying.  Naughtily patting our back,we giggle in our minds, and wait for the next movie to release,so that another bunk comes up!

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