Thursday, January 21, 2010

When things in ur lyf seem ,almst 2mch 2 handl wen 24hrs in a day isnt enuf, remembr da jar nd 2 cups of cofee
A prof stood b4 his philosfy clas nd had sm items in frnt of him.Wen da clas began , wordlessly, He pikd up a vry large nd empty jar nd proceded 2 fil it wid golf balls.
He den askd da studnts if da jar waz ful they agreed it was.
The prof den pikd up a box of pebbles nd poured dem into da jar.He shook da jar lightly.The pebbles rolled into the open areas bw da golf balls.
He den askd da studnts if da jar waz ful.They agrd it waz.The prof nxt pikd up a box of sand nd pourd it into da jar.Ofcourse da sand filled evrythin else .He askd1nce more if da jar waz full.The studnts responded wid a unanimous YES
The prof den producd 2 cups of cofe 4m undr da tbal nd poured da entire contents into da jar efectively filin da empty space bw da sand. The studnts laughd.
NOW said da prof ,as da laughtr subsided,
I want u 2 recogniz dat dis jar represnts ur lyf. The golf bals r da imp things- ur GF ,FRIENDS,nd fav pasions-things dat if everythin else waz lost nd nly dey remaind,Ur lyf wud stil b ful.
Thhe pebles r da othr things dat mar lyk ur job,house ,car
The sand is everythin else-The smal stuf
If u put da sand into da jar 1st He continued derz no room 4 da pebbles or da golf balls.The same goes 4 lyf
If u spnd al ur tym nd energy on da smal stuf u wil nevr hav room 4 da things dat r imp 2 u
pay atention 2 da things dat r crucial 2 ur hapines. spend tym wid ur family,take ur gf out to lunch.
Take care of da golf bals 1st - Da things dat realy matr. Set ur priorities. The rest is just sand.
1 of da studnts raisd her hand nd inquired wat da cofee reprsntd
da prof smiled Im gald u askd.
it jus goes 2 sho u dat no matr how ful ur lyf may seem derz always room 4 a coupl of cups of cofe wid a frnd..

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