Monday, January 11, 2010


" Because I love you
You can trust me now"

This is my first update of the new year, so allow me to extend the appropriate sentiments to those of you who care. let us hope that 2010 is vastly more painless, pleasant and productive for all of us than 2009 was. i shall certainly hope to make it so for myself.

In my last update, i stated that i'd post again when preorders were assembled. i am pleased to announce that - at least in part - this is the case. after work tonight, i picked up the printed matter for the special edition packaging of STUDY FOR A THEATER OF CRUELTY by MARTIN BLADH, as well as THE FINAL PAGE/WRETCH REIMAGINED by THE VOMIT ARSONIST. i have assembled several copies of both and will continue to do so through this week. the shipments will begin to go out on the weekend. please note that THE VOMIT ARSONIST release is now sold out!

This will leave the WILT tshirt/WILT/THEOLOGIAN collaboration cassette and IRM tshirt as the remaining preorder items to be produced. i need to hold on to a bit of cash in the coming months, in preparation for a particularly important personal expense, but it is my plan to have both these items out in the world by the end of february at the very latest.

New developments and plans for new releases are in the works, if things go the way i hope, it should be pretty exciting news when the time comes to share.

That is all for now. thanks for looking and listening.

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